Solve environmental engineering tasks in areas such as hydrology, meteorology, hydrogeology by using a simple means of analyzing recession curves, perform hydrologic calculations and process flow duration curves. It contains 11 modules including AMN, BFI+, Durov, FDC, and Kille.
HydroOffice is a comprehensive software package designed for hydrology, hydrogeology, meteorology and environmental engineers. The HydroOffice package contains a number of separate installable tools which are distributed as freeware or are priced. Each tool is designed for a specific purpose, and these include: Recession curve analysis of springs and rivers (13 recession models); Evaluation and analysis of extreme water conditions as in drought and flood; Production of flow duration curves; Calculation of minimum and maximum N-daily values; Baseflow separation (11 separation filters); Separation of runoff components from discharge using the results of recession curve analysis; Calculation of long-term average groundwater runoff from basins (method of Kille); Time series analysis, editing, processing, visualization, evaluation and export; Geochemical visualizations (Piper diagram, Durov diagram, Ternary diagram); 1D, 2D and 3D visualization of borehole and well data (1D Log plot, 2D Geological schemes, 3D Fence diagrams).